
byrds are hittin up the stratosphere

Hi ! Just went through this blogs archives and figured I should shout you out.
Its been really hectic with work last months and other social media like follow me on instagram @nigerian__queen & twitter @h13dumentary (soon @h14dumentary) if you wanna hit me up. But Downtownace will never die! Also tune in to the new Berlin podcasts on http://soundcloud.com/h00dumentary, dats basically where it went. Meanwhile enjoy this fked up Avicii mashup that has been having us jumping up and down in rhytm during weekend nights:

Like fuck taste.

Also enjoy this travelling house gem from New York artist:

Yes aya. have a good last week of the year and blow it it out with 
hardhitting new-gabber model dance music for the rich or famous

Over n out, yours truly

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